proposed legislation

美 [prəˈpoʊzd ˌledʒɪsˈleɪʃn]英 [prəˈpəʊzd ˌledʒɪsˈleɪʃn]
  • 法律提案
proposed legislationproposed legislation
  1. He gave his assent to the proposed legislation


  2. Proposed legislation affecting bird-keepers has been watered down .


  3. First of all , proposed legislation to improve the proposal .


  4. Proposed legislation may also be submitted during this year .


  5. Proposed legislation is initiated in the form of a Bill .


  6. The proposed legislation on banking union , however , is not of that kind .


  7. Proposed legislation and how to improve the administrative mechanism for the actual operation of the mediation system .


  8. This study covers the basic problem of false advertisement , and improves the status of proposed legislation .


  9. The last chapter of my country franchising act restricting competition law system situation and improve the proposed legislation .


  10. The article finally proposed legislation suggestions to reform and consummate the system of executive relief in our country .


  11. Thoughtful voters viewed the proposed legislation with alarm .


  12. They debated the policy or impolicy of the proposed legislation .


  13. Some on Capitol Hill have proposed legislation that would require regular safety reviews of approved medicines .


  14. and parliament needs to pass proposed legislation handing down tough penalties for poaching .


  15. Earlier this week , two American senators proposed legislation for three times as much non-military aid as Pakistan now receives .


  16. Some lawmakers have proposed legislation that would require that nearly all human drug trials must be announced and their results disclosed publicly .


  17. In 2009 , House Democrats proposed legislation that would force the industry to disclose the chemicals it uses in fracking .


  18. Under the proposed legislation , American companies will no longer be allowed to put off paying tax on profits made and reinvested abroad .


  19. On this basis , I put forward the target criminal corruption to improve the proposed legislation with a view to benefit the administration of justice in practice .


  20. In addition , lawmakers from both parties in the Senate last week proposed legislation designed to force China to allow the renminbi to appreciate .


  21. Although the proposed legislation is good news for the wives of gay men , it has caused a backlash from the gay community .


  22. Proposed legislation in the UK to enable police and intelligence services to access emails , Skype calls and Facebook messages is another such example .


  23. McCain said the proposed legislation would authorize funds to ensure Iranians have the software and other tools to evade government censorship and surveillance online .


  24. My Administration proposed legislation to achieve this , but Congress was unable to get a bill to my desk before adjourning for the year .


  25. US lawmakers have already proposed legislation targeting China that would punish countries for manipulating their currencies , a move that Chinese officials have strenuously opposed .


  26. The proposed legislation would cover unfair or undesirable practices , misleading advertisements and aggressive sales practices such as harassment or coercion of customers .


  27. Philippine lawmaker frustrated by rampant electoral fraud has proposed legislation to get the names of the dead off voter rolls .


  28. A spokeswoman of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health said the agency encourages healthy eating , but hasn 't had a chance to review the proposed legislation .


  29. But a recent forum to discuss proposed legislation against racial discrimination turned into a shouting match when several critics who had networked through the Internet showed up .


  30. Language in the proposed legislation seemed to uphold the rights of existing car-company creditors while also protecting any taxpayer funds used to prop up Detroit .
